Friday, April 19, 2013

What The Heck is Food Combining??

I decided today would be the day to talk a little bit about food combining. I had a visit with my chiropractor earlier in the week. I was filling her in about my blog because I hadn't seen her since starting it. I told her about my recent post about nuts and how you shouldn't eat them with animal protein or avocado. She then told me that the other day she had a salmon salad (sounds good so far, right?), with nuts (uh oh) and avocado (double uh oh) on it. She did not feel really great after eating that. As I stated in my last post, nuts should not be eaten with avocado or animal protein (or in this case, fish protein).

When I first picked up K.S.'s book "The Beauty Detox Solution", I was very interested in reading about food combining. When I finished reading about it, it made TOTAL sense. Since then, I have read a couple of other books that state the same food combining principles that I first learned about from K.S.

Here is why food combining is important:
In order to have the best digestion possible, your meals should move through your digestive track AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. You do not want your food to sit in your gut for many hours or days. The longer it sits in your body (at 98.6 degrees), the slower it will move through your digestive track and the more it putrifies (gross, right??!!). Different types of foods take different digestive enzymes to break them down. When you start consuming all different types of foods, your digestive system asks you, "What the @*!% are you doing to me??!!"

For example, animal proteins require an acidic environment in order to digest efficienly. Starches require an alkaline environment in order to digest efficiently. So, when you put together an alkaline and acid, they neutralize each other. This causes your body to secrete more digestive enzymes which in turn continue to neutralize each other trying to digest your improperly combined meal.  Does that make sense? So, what should only take a couple of hours is taking even longer which means that all our energy is going towards digesting "miscombined" meals. Ever feel tired after these meals? Gassy, bloated, or have heartburn? Well, now you know why.

In my next post I will briefly list the rules of properly combining foods and ask you to take the Food Combining Challenge. Have a great weekend!

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